Friday, August 28, 2009

City Search A Large Expectant 'Fat Cat Mama' Jaguar -- AKA Cheryl Cummins -- Talking to a Prospective New Victim -- Beware of Jaguar Central, aka RCM Restorations

A very large 'Fat Cat Mama' -- literally and figuratively -- who just feasted on a very large $ new victim.  Large smile.  'Fat Cat Mama' already talking to a new potential victim for the next dining feast.
'Fat Cat Mama' taking a call from a previous victim, asking 'where is the car you promised me'?  Signs of indigestion -- see protruding stomach and grimace on face.  Or could it be an expectant 'Fat Cat Mama' to provide the next generation of con-men, con-women, liars, thieves and crooks.  God bless America!

Photos courtesy of Claus Aaroe.

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope she loses some weight while she's in jail! Lol!
