Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ebay Buyers Beware of Jaguar Central, aka RCM Restorations, Mike Cummins! Cummins Lies, Cheats and Steals!

Mike Cummins now using new Ebay Seller ID rcm_restorations -- changed from jaguarcentralinc. Mike Cummins finds new victims using Ebay.  Ebay Users BEWARE!  Mike Cummins comes across as a great guy, then takes your $, disappears. For a quick background summary check (victims) of Jaguar Central/Mike Cummins, aka Jaguar Central Inc., Jaguar Central Corona, Cheryl Cummins, Cheryl Koop-Cummins, here are some links: There are 6 different 'Rip Off Reports'

Jaguar Central's Ebay Seller ID: rcm_restorations, changed from jaguarcentralinc


  1. I've checked his eBay activity. Here are a few facts:
    (1) He has not been selling anything on eBay since October 2007 (he only has 51 FBs as a Seller). About 400 FBs are purchases for cheap pottery.
    (2) Most likely (I'm making an educated guess) under eBay's new Sellers rules his PayPal Seller account is frozen for 45-60 days any time he tries to sell any items due to his reputation (BBB etc). Even if he does not use PayPal and made a serious misrepresentation in his ad, eBay's insurers under the Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP) program would come down on him like a ton of bricks. Based on the above it is highly unlikely for them to be active as Sellers on eBay Motors.

    As mentioned you should work with the DA's Office AND start a Civil Action against him. You mention that their assets are hidden. There is no such thing in a court of Law be it criminal or civil.

    Best of luck.

  2. Mike Cummins has been actively trying to sell using ebay over the past 6 months. He has listed 3 cars several times and some spare parts, just has not sold anything (not met his reserve). Cummins does not have to sell to get new victims. New victims typically ask Cummins questions on ebay, he then 'lures' them in thereafter, has them visit his shop in Ontario, uses his 'charm' and the con goes on...
